2011년 11월 5일 토요일

The game

The game
Lee Se-hee               

           Since I decided what I want to do in the future, my own game started. Watching African children are smiling brightly, but suffering starvation from TV, I desired to help them. I started to study to realize my dream that I will work at international organization and help work for African children. Like the lyric of the song, it is hard to win and easy to lose, however I made a bet on my winning in this game.
           Drawing a fine picture of my future in which I’m hugging delighted children at school, I have made steady efforts. I started from tiny things such as studying and not losing interest in the African education problem, and later, I could get great opportunity to enter the KMLA which meant shortcuts to reach my ultimate goal. However, after being a freshman of KMLA, things were not going as well as I thought and I was always behind other students. I studied and studied much more than others did to keep up with them thinking that the ending of this game would change gradually if I didn’t give up. Surprisingly, what I had studied steadily accumulated and it comes out as a remarkable result that even I could be satisfied. At that moment, I noticed that unpredictable result of winning is the charm of any game and steady effort is the key.   
During this game, the difficulty and fear that I faced so many times remained in my heart as a bruise giving lasting pain. I have felt anxious about the future that I can’t predict, got pressure mentally, and my body became exhausted. Because my dream is the most valuable thing in life, my own game becomes an ‘subtle as a bruise’. This bruise and what I felt from hard time are the avoidable things which can’t be helped if I keep going for my goal. However, I believe all the pains experienced will fade as the bruise goes away someday and I also believe all those difficulties are just a device to make my game more interesting.  
         In conclusion, my game will be continued for few years from now, and nobody knows the result of my game. What I can do now is just to be steady and enjoy my game which is set in front of me. And if I overcome and enjoy the obstacles which make my game more interesting, the day when I can win the bet on my game will come to me someday. That would be a wonderful day, that I can be happy with African children.

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