2011년 11월 28일 월요일

Songs I am hooked on recently

This song's name is The story only I didn't know and singer's name is IU.
I think she expresses her emotions well in the music. I really like her voice when she sings.
Although she is a teenager, she is already a good singer. To me, she is better than Girls' generation in the sense of singing ability.

Whenever I can't concentrate on my study, I listen to this music.
It makes me relax. This song's name is Last Carnival and group named 'Acoustic cafe' played it.
There are three people in the group, and they played the piano, cello and violine respectively.

This song's name is Brown city, and it became famous thanks to one audition TV program named 'Superstar K3'. In the program, singing group named '투개월(Two months)' sang this song. I like the audition program version, but this video is original version. 

2011년 11월 27일 일요일

creative essay; ten years later

My Future Diary

2021. 06. 21

Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelt……”

       Hearing the captain’s announcement, I laid my tired body on the seat. I reclined the chair to have a snooze. My heart was still beating as I recall the moment only a few hours ago closing my eyes. My feeling after finishing my first international conference was like I’m flying to the sky.
                  Getting on the airplane, breaking up time to sleep in order to work, and visiting a lot of countries in a day, I have to promote national interests representing Korea in diplomatic stage which is known as ‘war without gunshot’. I, who transcend the bounds of nationality to actualize human’s universal value, am. Yes, I am a diplomat.
                  Before getting on a flight to New York, my heart was too full seeing my new diplomat’s passport. Of course, I am a new diplomat who just stamp feet in front of the huge wall named ‘World’, but I could imagine my future that I will overcome the wall and introduce ‘Korea’ to the world proudly. A satisfied smile rested on my lips.  

                 At the U.N international conference, I just broke out in a cold sweat. There were so many things I didn’t know as it was the first international conference as a diplomat. So, senior who had been worked in New York explained everything to me in minute detail. We had the conference for three weeks and there were a lot of tension at this conference because the problem about recent conflict between Israel and Palestine became an issue again. I couldn’t distinguish whether it is good or bad about having a discussion about this big agenda as a ‘first experience’. In the meeting hall, I was careful in everything since only words can cause quite a stir. Besides, it was diplomatically sensitive issue, so everything was hard to me. During other countries’ diplomats got the floor and clarified their positions, I felt my inadequacy bitterly. I was struck with admiration seeing other diplomats convey the point in concise words, and speak foreign languages fluently. Even I could see an easy and composed attitude from their every single gesture. Watching them, I decided to develop language skills, build up my experience and strengthen my position in international conference few years later.   
                  In that way, conference for three weeks ended finally, and I participated in reception which was on evening. ‘Reception’ is a party to use a common word. Actually, the party is also an extension of work. In the reception, I have to think ahead who I should meet and what I have to say, and even if someone ask me about situation of Korea, then I should be able to answer correctly and concisely. Meanwhile, I can get a lot of information in the reception, so it is not just a fun party. 
                  After finishing all my duty in New York, I went back to JFK airport to get on the plane. Now, I’m on my way to return Africa where I have been worked in. I’ve wanted to work in Africa since I was young. Some diplomats have an idea that they will go and work in advanced country such as U.S.A or European countries via Africa, but I’m different. To me, working in Africa itself is my ultimate purpose as a diplomat. I wanted to be an expert of Africa and actualize a spirit of sacrifice and dedication overcoming politic, economic and social disorder of Africa. So, now I examine situation of Africa in politic, economic, social and cultural fields and collect information working at diplomatic offices in Africa. I also protect Koreans who live in Africa, and make an effort to present a good image about Korean for maintaining friendly relations.

                  The airplane gets out of runway and fly up into the sky. Watching the clouds through the window, I’m lost in thought. In this airplane flying endlessly to the sky, my passion and commitment to duty are also loaded fully. Working in Africa, and working as a diplomat is tough. I know there will be so many difficulties in the future as well. However, I am going to win through those difficulties in the name of ‘Korean diplomat’.     


I got some information from
Homepage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Kim Hyo-eun, 외교관은 국가대표 멀티플레이어, Luxmedia , 2008

2011년 11월 21일 월요일

TED : Independent Diplomat


                I have seen so many times this TED video and the book which is written by Carne Ross. Actually, Carne Ross is my role model. I have wanted to be a diplomat like him, I could examine myself about my attitude, and I could realize what I have to do as a diplomat in the future. When I was young, I had only abstract and cool image of diplomat; wearing black suit, speaking foreign languages fluently, and sometimes indulging in luxury. However, after I finished watching video and reading his story, I could know the concrete situation of present diplomacy and also diagnose some problems. 
                  Carne Ross was a first secretary at the England Embassy and he enjoyed his fancy life. However, as he has worked as a diplomat, he scrutinized present diplomacy and found out innumerable problems. He came to know that the government exaggerated the intelligence and the government also had ignored all available alternatives to war. Even at the U.N. conference, he could notice subtle atmosphere that world powers disregarded small and weak nations’ opinion. For instance, world powers determined Kosovo’s fate in tentative agreement not considering Kosovo’s stance and opinion. Not knowing the reality of Kosovo, world powers just argued about Kosovo’s independence in a small room of U.N. headquarters and determined their fate easily while kosovars were dying with starvation. As he saw these depravities of present diplomacy, he became dubious whether the pathway he was going to is right or not. That is, he came up with an idea that he needs to work with scrupulous honesty. Finally, he submitted his resignation and gave up everything he had gained from status called ‘diplomat’. On the TED video, he said : I wanted to be an ambassador, and my mentors, my heroes, people who got to the top of my profession, and here I was throwing it all away. A lot of my friends were still in it. My pension was in it. And I gave it up.
                 As a result of his decision, he established non-profit, diplomatic advisory group named ‘Independent Diplomat’. After he had realized that kosovars were not allowed diplomatic service and diplomats, he started to help them. Besides, he was endeavored to give pragmatic and diplomatic solution not only to Kosovo, but also to other weak countries. He was exemplified as a real diplomat and his accomplishments are laudable enough in the sense of that he helped the weak not focusing on gaining honor or money. I strongly want to extol him, and advocate his view of life. In other words, with his braveness and fervor, he enhanced the level of ‘real’ diplomacy.
I pay deference about his candid disclosure about depravity of present diplomacy. He was brave. While other diplomats accepted wrongs, he was zealous to correct the wrongs. When other diplomats were busy to pursue and take their own national interests in provincial perspective, he broke the mold of diplomacy and gave us a break to look around and think about other countries. And I think these are necessary and pivotal minds to present diplomats. As I saw and read his story, I decided that I will become a diplomat who can have profound insight and consider in the stance of the weak.   

2011년 11월 13일 일요일

Review : Buffet restaurant

Ashley Premium

      I went to the buffet restaurant named ‘Ashley’ which is located in Non-hyun dong, Incheon to celebrate my parents’ wedding anniversary. Right after entering the restaurant, delicious smell stimulated my appetite. This buffet restaurant has become issue among young people with delicious salad bar. Let’s observe about this restaurant deeply to check on whether it is good like the reputation.   

Taste : Generally, the taste of foods were great. Especially, I was satisfied with pizza and spaghetti. Whenever I go to buffet restaurant and eat pizza and spaghetti, I felt like “Oh, it is just pizza and spaghetti, no more, no less.”, but for this restaurant, I thought its taste got abreast of high-class Italian restaurant. For dessert, I was fascinated by its deep, savory taste. This restaurant’s cheese cake and brownie cake were the best I’ve ever had. But I am very sorry about one thing. Some foods were too spicy, so it was hard to eat easily for babies or old people. (Actually, it was too spicy for me even though I can eat spicy food well.)   


Interior Design : The restaurant’s design was like other family restaurant such as Outback. I liked that some small pictures were hanging on the wall because it looked like mini gallery. Interior design was different for each hall. One hall was decorated in western style, and the other hall was designed in antique style. Both design created cozy atmosphere, and it increased pleasure to eat. I was satisfied with the designs.      

Service : Service was so-so. Although employees were kind, and they cleaned the finished plates quickly, I had to wait for a long while after calling them, and they didn’t fill the lacking food immediately. For example, there was no cup to drink, and people were waiting for the cups. But employees didn’t care about that, finally my father asked them to bring the cups. Service is one of the important points when we evaluate the restaurant. They need to care about service more than before.

Variety of food : Menu is divided into two ; main dish and salad bar (buffet). I will evaluate only buffet food because my family paid for only salad bar not ordering main dish. There were various kinds of buffet food for basics. For example, there were a lot of kinds in Pizza, spaghetti, soup, and salad comparing to other normal buffet restaurants which provide only one type of Pizza, Spaghetti and salad. And for salad, not only special- menu salad such as apple-salmon salad, but also various toppings and salad dressing were prepared so that people could make their own salads palatably. However, there were not much Korean food (there was only Bibimbab), so it seems like old people who don’t like western food couldn’t enjoy eating. Kinds of beverage and dessert were also various.  

Price : Price is different depends on when we eat. Only weekday lunch is 12,900 won, and weekday dinner or weekend lunch/dinner is 18,900 won. Comparing to other restaurants’ salad bar, the price is more expensive than Bennigans and cheaper than V.I.P.S. When I consider the variety of buffet food and the taste, it is well worth its price. Also, I thought it is reasonable that dinner’s price is more expensive than weekday lunch, because they provide more kinds of food such as steaks, hot wings, and pork ribs for dinner.   

Cleanliness : This restaurant was clean because this restaurant is in department store, and the department store have to manage restaurants’ cleanliness. As I watched cooking process, cooks dressed in an outfit appropriate to cook, and it seemed they keep cookers clean. When people dropped food putting food on a plate, employees cleaned them quickly.Therefore, I gave them full score for cleanliness. 

Rough map to get to the 'Ashley Premium' in Non-hyun, Incheon

2011년 11월 5일 토요일

The game

The game
Lee Se-hee               

           Since I decided what I want to do in the future, my own game started. Watching African children are smiling brightly, but suffering starvation from TV, I desired to help them. I started to study to realize my dream that I will work at international organization and help work for African children. Like the lyric of the song, it is hard to win and easy to lose, however I made a bet on my winning in this game.
           Drawing a fine picture of my future in which I’m hugging delighted children at school, I have made steady efforts. I started from tiny things such as studying and not losing interest in the African education problem, and later, I could get great opportunity to enter the KMLA which meant shortcuts to reach my ultimate goal. However, after being a freshman of KMLA, things were not going as well as I thought and I was always behind other students. I studied and studied much more than others did to keep up with them thinking that the ending of this game would change gradually if I didn’t give up. Surprisingly, what I had studied steadily accumulated and it comes out as a remarkable result that even I could be satisfied. At that moment, I noticed that unpredictable result of winning is the charm of any game and steady effort is the key.   
During this game, the difficulty and fear that I faced so many times remained in my heart as a bruise giving lasting pain. I have felt anxious about the future that I can’t predict, got pressure mentally, and my body became exhausted. Because my dream is the most valuable thing in life, my own game becomes an ‘subtle as a bruise’. This bruise and what I felt from hard time are the avoidable things which can’t be helped if I keep going for my goal. However, I believe all the pains experienced will fade as the bruise goes away someday and I also believe all those difficulties are just a device to make my game more interesting.  
         In conclusion, my game will be continued for few years from now, and nobody knows the result of my game. What I can do now is just to be steady and enjoy my game which is set in front of me. And if I overcome and enjoy the obstacles which make my game more interesting, the day when I can win the bet on my game will come to me someday. That would be a wonderful day, that I can be happy with African children.