2011년 9월 17일 토요일

If I can advise to president......

Location : The United states of America
President : Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President

Hello, Mr. President. My name is Se-hee, Lee and I am a Korean student who is a freshman of KMLA. The purpose of writing letter is to advise something to you.

 I’ve heard that you want to change your country’s education system and curriculum to like Korean’s. However, as a Korean student, I think that is not a good idea. I’ve studied in Korea for about 9 years and have thought Korean education system should be changed. Korean education system is a cramming method of education. This education of system disturbs Korean students from thinking creatively and teachers want us to just memorize all contents of each subject and fill in the blanks on the test. Even we have to have only one answer for the test and teachers don’t object about that fact. It is reality of Korean education. So I used to envy education of America. Your country’s students have ‘freedom’. They study for their dreams and have freedom to do anything what they want, but almost all Korean students study for entering a good university. A lot of Korean students consider university as only a key of success or a tool to get a good job, not a place to learn what they really want or fulfill their desire for knowledge. The meaning of university degenerate and moreover people are busy to distinguish the social classes depend on name of university in today’s Korea. I think its problem came from wrong education system.
Also there are too many academies in Korea, so they can’t study alone well. It is a serious problem. Even they don’t know the reason why they have to study. They just go to academy and listen teacher’s explanation without thinking like a robot. So, frankly speaking, I was surprised and worried after hearing that the number of academies is increasing rapidly in America.

 And now, you are trying to follow this ‘bad’ education system. Please reconsider about your idea which you will change education to like Korean education system. Thank you.

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