2011년 12월 3일 토요일

Three words decribing me

Three Words Describing Yourself

Prompt : Describe yourself-metaphorically enough- using only three words. Write a paragraph omitting the verb to be.

Cockroach, Bamboo, and Roller Coaster

I have a habit of cockroach. I never die and survive again and again even if heavy assignments and burdens press me like that cockroach survives in any strong insecticide. I will not give in to any difficulties and sustain my tenacious life now and forever. I also keep the faith like bamboo. Bamboo never bends its body even though it breaks into two parts. I will not compromise my principles easily. In addition, I get more impetus to soar as I fall to the deep floor. Just like roller coaster speeds up falling down from high to lower place. I will soar to the highest place with the power I made through kicking the floor.  

댓글 2개:

  1. A cockroach??? Please don't compare yourself to a dirty insect that hasn't changed since dinosaurs walked the earth. They are kind of amazing... but eeeeeeew. An ant would be better. Or a ladybug.

    Bamboo - coool!

  2. Well, maybe she was building on a Kafkaesque motif?!? What "principle" (理) stands our for you?
