2011년 8월 30일 화요일

As a writer

I've always hoped that I become good at writing in English. Because I knew that writing has enormous power to change or move other people's mind. Although I don't have the ability to touch someone, I like to write something and I have an enthusiasm to improve my writing. Thus, I want to define me as a passionate writer though writing is not perfect. As well, about my writing style, I think I don't have particular style because my English writing is not enough to call it any style. In addition, I did not write in English that much, so I couldn't find out what my style is.
     My strength is that I am an emotional person. I get inspiration from any teeny, tiny things. And those things can be a good material or examples in writing. And I try to revise sentences or words again and again to express more effectively and convey more emotionally to readers. In other words, I am a hard-working writer though I am not gifted in writing in English.
     However, I have so many things I need to improve, too. First of all, my English is little bit clumsy because I have never studied abroad and I just studied English alone. So the flow of writing is not smooth and I feel that I write an essay like an ESL student who just start to learn English. The second weakness is grammar. I am always confused where to put articles. I am not sure whether sentence structures are grammatically correct or not. The last thing is my vocabulary. I can't think up proper words fit in the sentences. Those writings that I wrote without an abundant vocabulary cannot convey the meaning what I want to express to readers.
     My goal, in this class, is to correct my shortcomings that I mentioned above. I would improve my grammar ability and refine the expressions so that I can express all what I want to convey through writing. And my ultimate goal is to write to touch people and write some pieces to encourage other people. For these goals, I will do my best in this class.
     The best piece of writing I am most proud of is the history term paper for Mr. Ganse's class.  Frankly speaking, this paper is not that good in grammar and expression. But it's very meaningful term paper because it was the first time that I had written that long term paper myself. I researched history information in person, read a lot of amount of English history books, and even I spent days agonizing over the thesis and development. Therefore, I will never forget this first history term paper and it is one of the pieces I am proud of.
     Lastly, during this English class, I want to get more opportunities to correct our weakness in writing than just grading it. Whenever I take English writing class, It was hard to write what I like and feel free to write something because I cared about grade so much. So, in this class, I'd like to write freeing from restriction of grade. I expect, it will be funny and helpful class to us. I'm going to do harder than before in this class