2012년 11월 14일 수요일

An observational report on the Earth

13. Ways of Seeing. Imagine a person with an idiosyncratic way of seeing the world (for instance, an occasional drug dealer, who, because of his amateur status, is more than usually prone to seeing danger where there is none; an entomologist who tends to categorize the world dryly, as if seen through a microscope; a world-class athlete whose clarity of vision is almost hallucinogenic).  Have this character witness a traumatic event that does not directly involve him or her.  Narrate the event from a first-person point of view, making sure that the perspective is carefully built around the idiosyncrasies of this personality.  Also, as a hidden aspect of this character, imagine him or her as some kind of unusual animal.  600 words.

(Not revised, not finished yet) 

An observational report on the Earth

I looked into the small sphere mixed with white, green, and blue colors. As looking more closely, I could see that the land was crowded with small black living things. My fellow scientist taught me that those small organisms are called “human”. I decided to observe the human’s behavior pattern from now on.              
Before we, the scientists start to observe the human, we have to keep some notes. We should be careful not to frighten them because they couldn’t notice even our existence.  
First of all, I observed their appearance. They usually have hair on the top of their heads, and their skin colors are varied such as white, black and yellow and so on. The four long limbs are on their body, and I guess the common usage of each pair is different. One pair (legs) is used to walk on the ground, and the other pair (arms) is used to pick up, make up, build up something and so on. (Maybe it has more uses than I imagined before). Because they can handle their arms quite skillfully, this species has comparatively high intelligence.
Secondly, for reproduction, the male or female try to attract the opposite sex. According to my research, there are some effective ways to attract other people. They entered into the white building named ‘plastic surgery’ and change their face into better appearance that the opposite sex prefers to. Another method is to make their wallet fat, putting a lot of papers called ‘money’ (Here, I didn’t know what the wallet is, but I guessed it is kind of case to keep the ‘money’.) Plus, human is a viviparous animal so that females grow baby inside themselves for about 9 months.
Thirdly, I observed human’s habit. Evening by evening, they gather in front of the box (though it became thinner and thinner recently) and watch it for a long time absently. Young humans go to the building called school every day except two days (people call these two days as ‘Saturday’ and ‘Sunday, but I don’t know the reason), and return from it late. According to the old documents, some very intelligent humans (called as ‘teacher’ or ‘professor’) educate the young humans. There are some subjects they educate such as math, history, philosophy or something like that, but most of them are useless because almost all subjects are made by human themselves (It is very strange, isn’t it?). In addition, a tremendous number of human repeats to enter and to be locked in the angulated box called as ‘subway’ or ‘bus’. The purpose of this action is to go to ‘workplace’ to make money (that I mentioned already). The ‘money’ is kind of medium to buy or sell things, and this exchange-action usually happens in the place called ‘market’.
            Lastly, following my fellow’s advice, I did a simple experiment. I pumped up the oil from one place, and then suddenly a lot of ferroconcrete buildings were built up around that oil-bearing reservoir. What was more surprising is that human from each land roared up with a mass of metals (someone taught me that those are armed car and some weapons) and started to fight each other. I guess the oil is very valuable thing that can stir up a fight among humans.

2012년 11월 7일 수요일

Chanson : Un Jour Ou L'autre

French teacher introduced this song in the class.
 I like this song and I like the lyrics, too :)

2012년 9월 12일 수요일

Return of Korean cultural assets

Do you know where the three lion statues have gone from Dabo-tap[1]? No, did you know that there had been existed lion statues on the Dabo-tap at least? As you guess, those three lion statues are representative examples of Korea’s cultural heritages plundered by Japan. Most of the Korean people might have a rough idea of those looted cultural assets, but not about the exact situations or the way to repatriate them.
According to official record, roughly 66,000 Korean heritage items are kept in Japan and only 6,000 of them returned to Korea after various attempts to get them back. Accordingly, though royal records from Joseon and other cultural assets returned recently from Japan, they constitute only a small portion of stolen cultural heritages. Some cultural assets were forcefully or illegally taken by another nation like in this case, which is why the international community utters that looted properties should be returned to their rightful owner.       
Of course, no country has to keep all of national treasures in the country. However, art has traditionally been collected privately and kept stored, only rarely being put on display in Japan. That is, it is clear that there are great amounts of Korean national treasures in Japan, but we don’t even know who owns it or where it is. And Japanese Government has not done enough to trace those collections and insure they are made available for exhibitions and study. Much of the collections have gone underground, which is a loss to our heritage.
History, that’s what permeates in our cultural assets. The cultural heritages reflect the lifestyle, language, and major incidents of the time. So, they are regarded as precious records and research materials of our history. 
Spirit, that’s what infuses in our cultural assets. We cried, shouted, fought against, suffered, rejoiced, and enjoyed with them. We have felt all sorts of human emotions in them. Besides, seeing the delicate and exquisite decoration, we even feel our ancestors’ artistic soul to complete sophisticated artwork.
Minjok, that’s what pervades in our cultural assets. Our cultural heritages have suffered a history full of ups and downs with us. Suffering turbulent period with them together, we can arouse national consciousness and feel somehow solidarity in them.
Hence, cultural assets are neither just a knowledge in the textbook should be memorized nor just a tour package. They are, our living history and reality. Then the cultural assets have importance in itself as Hye-mun, a Korean Buddhist monk, once put it, “An egg cannot break a rock, but soul-instilled egg can do.” However, as we cannot get them back, we gradually lose those instilled-spirits. Naturally, Korean art and culture become regarded as a hybrid, lying somewhere between Chinese and Japanese styles in the West, rather than as a distinct product of a distinct culture.
Moreover, since far larger amounts of treasures are in Japanese’s private hands, the problem becomes difficult to be solved only with negotiation between each country’s governments. All of the Korean people need to show a special interest and make more aggressive efforts to bring back the stolen national treasures. ‘Bringing back cultural assets’ is not simply bringing the stolen cultural heritages to where they originally were. It is the process for finding our handed-over soul from our ancestors, and for realizing we are owners ourselves of them.
Again, through returning our looted cultural assets, we can cultivate appreciation of Korea's artistic heritage. Through getting back our plundered cultural heritages, we can get back our history, spirit, and our Minjok 

[1] Tap(in Korean) = pagoda 

2012년 9월 6일 목요일

Short story

Name : Soho
Appearance : fat
Personality : outgoing/ critical
Age : 23
Unique trait : too sentimental
Environment : lives in Ghetto
Problem : got terrible grades

                  The atmosphere of Ghetto was stifling and somber. Every Jewish residents of Ghetto fretted about when they will be dragged and killed by Nazi, so they lay awake every night feeling anxiety. In this oppressive atmosphere, Soho, a gregarious girl, was an energizer for townsfolk’s lives. She was bursting with vitality and new ideas so that townsfolk had drawn strength and comfort from her. Though she was a little bit on the plump side, her flushed cheek made her look animated and healthy, and she was always sympathetic to her neighbors’ tragic happenings.  

                  The day was seemingly the same with her usual day. She wandered around her home as always, and in the meantime, she caught a glimpse of someone’s shadow which was cast from a narrow alley. It struck her as strange. She walked toward the alley, and checked the inside of the alley. There, she could find an abandoned young boy, beaten to death by Nazi. Seeing that scene, she shuddered with extreme fury and sudden tears ran down her face. Then she muttered.  
                  “How could they do that? I have to do something to prevent this happening. I can’t stand it anymore.”

                  She right went back to her home, and started to gather information about Nazi’s act of brutality. Then, she pondered about what she can do with the information, and suddenly, one thought flashed through her mind.

                  “Yes. I’m going to write a journal to disclose Nazi’s viciousness. Come to think of it, didn’t I get a great grade only in writing class though other subjects’ grades were terrible? Through writing, I can not only criticize the Nazis, but also inform their cruel and unjustified deeds to the public, further, to foreign countries. I can protect Ghetto’s people on my own.”

                  She started to write down something with determined resolution. Her hold on her pen tightened. Soon, as the busy scratching sound of pens on paper stopped, she put down the pen. She sealed the papers in a blank envelop to submit it to a newspaper. She was full of hope that foreign forces might set free them from Nazi’s clutches. A month later, she picked up and unfolded that day’s newspaper. As her name came into sight on the first page of the newspaper, she was almost beside herself with joy. She turned to the next page and uttered shout of glee.

 ‘The Allied Forces and the Soviet army invaded Germany!’

 It seemed that the day of freedom is nearing. A beam of satisfaction crossed her face.